目前分類:Energy (3)

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1. Check that you are on the best rate plan for your needs

Is your current plan the least expensive electricity plan provided by your utility company? You’d be amazed by the results of a quick search to find all the various plans on offer and the amount you could save every month.

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Humans have done enough damage to the planet and that's why we are facing some new consequences every day. There is a lot of damage that we have done but still, there is a scope of recovering this planet for everything we have done. From cutting down a million trees to heavily driving cars, there is nothing that is left that could harm our planet more. If you have ever wondered what could be done to make everything normal, then let us tell you that it is going to be a long journey. It will take a lot of time to actually recover from what we have done to our planet.

One of the ways through which we can help our planet get better is sustainable development and to those who don't know what they are talking about, then let us tell you about it. Sustainable development means planning the development for the future in a much eco-friendly and sustainable way. In this concept of development, renewable energy plays a huge role because renewable energy can save our planet in a lot of ways.

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Energy is becoming costlier by the day and you can get shocked by your bill if you do not follow certain basic tips to save energy and reduce your usage as well as costs. These can help you live sustainably and save a good amount of money each month.
The tips include keeping the heating below 20 degree Celsius in winters and also keeping the thermostat between 24-26 degrees in summers. These are the ideal temperature settings and help you offset costs by a wide margin. Every degree of a shift from these temperatures will increase the running costs by 5-10%. Also, remember to close the rooms you are not using to heat and cool only the rooms which you use. You can open the doors and windows to ventilate the home when the outside temperature drops on some summer evenings and avoid using energy to cool your home. Using fans, you can easily improve the efficiency of heating or cooling systems by circulating cold or hot air that they create and thus avoid using extreme temperatures that use more energy.


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