
Sim cards are small chips that are used to connect the sim carrier with the phone. It is very important that the sim card is properly connected with the carrier and the phone or else it would be nothing but just the chip inside the phone or no use. Unfortunately not every time you add a sim card on the phone it connects easily as it might face some problems. Let’s have a look at some of the sim card related problems.

SIM not provisioned mm#2

It is a pretty common problem in which the phone might show the notification of SIM not provisioned mm#2, it is usually due to the bad or poor connectivity between the sim card and the cell phone and can be caused due to many reasons like if you have bought a new phone or sim card which has not been activated or is not able to get connected with the phone. It can be solved by either reinserting the sim card on the phone or just by contacting the sim service provider.

Transferring the sim card

It might happen that while transferring the sim card your data might not get shifted in the new sim from the old one which can create a big problem as the main and major problem is lost or permanently erase of data while transferring. The safest way to do its by inserting your old sim in the phone and then shift the data to the cell phone’s flash memory. Then insert the new sim card and transfer the entire data into the sim. In this Transferring process you would have less chances of losing the data.

Switching carriers

If you want to switch to a different carrier then it used to be a big problem earlier as you would have to buy a whole new sim card back then. But not with today's advancement as we can switch to any other sim carrier easily just through some taps on our phones. You would not even need to buy another sim card and you can switch to any other SIM service provider.

Dead sim card

It might happen that with time and re-inserting your sim card, again and again, your sim might suffer from wear and tear which can restrict its capability of catching signals from the carrier and that can be said as a dead sim card. All you need to do is get a new sim body and that’s it, you are good to go.

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