
Instagram is a huge platform where people share some amazing content. Since the time we all installed it for the first time until now, Instagram has changed a lot. It has stepped up its game in terms of every aspect be its algorithm or visual appeal.

Likes have always been a very important part of Instagram users. Everyone wants to get as many likes as possible as it feels really good people appreciating your content plus for the social media influencers and business IG account it is highly beneficial in terms of brand exposures. Due to this competition of getting more and more likes, IG bots were invented.

What are IG likes bots?

Well now, you must be thinking of a coder sitting in a dark room and using some technical stuff to give you more like. Well, it is sort of true but a lot more exaggerated. It is true that bots are nothing but just codings of people who cheats the algorithm of Instagram to get more likes. These are the bots/robots who are hitting the like button of your post and not the real humans.

Organic likes

As the name suggests, organic likes mean pure likes. It is the likes that real humans are giving to your post. Organic likes are easy to get if you are going to buy them. There are countless applications and websites that can help you to buy Instagram likes.

Which one is better?

When it comes to the question of being better, everyone has their own opinion so we are going to tell about both the likes and then you can decide on your own

Bots likes are usually detected by Instagram as it has some strong security layers due to which Instagram can easily and permanently block these bots while this problem doesn’t happen while getting organic likes. But the issue is that bot likes are easy and instant to get while the organic likes take a bit of a long time to show the results.

Getting a bot like is simply very easy but if you are looking for the organic likes for free then here are some of the tips that you can use.

Create nice content: by creating amazing content you can introduce something worthy to your audience.

Use hashtags: using hashtags can increase the reach of your post which will help you to get maximum likes

Collaboration: collaborating with more and more people with huge numbers of followers can help you to get huge exposure from the audience of other’s IG accounts.

Use stories: stories can become a big success for you. These are also an easy way of pulling the audience towards your content. Many people usually don’t know but stories can bring a lot of people of your Instagram account


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