
The fashion of drug consumption has increased a lot in these following years. The drugs are getting more and more consumed even by the younger generation that too at an alarming rate which is not a good sign of the future of mankind. Drugs are such a bad enemy of a person that it takes just a few months for it to destroy a person’s life. Every single person knows that drugs make the health of a person shallow but we can’t ignore the fact that an intoxicated person is also dangerous for the people around him/her. With the help of drug testing, we can see how much the body of a person is affected by the drug consumption. We obviously can not measure the ability of consciousness of a person after drug consumption but we can see how much the drugs have destroyed a person from inside. Here are some of the drugs that can easily be detected through any drug test:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • PCP and many more

What are the different types of drug tests

Urine test:

Since urine is a waste of the body it also carries the waste in your body which is due to the drugs and the alcohol. Urine testing can be helpful to know if a person has taken the drug in the past couple of days or hours. It may not necessarily show if a person is intoxicated under its influence but it can tell the usage and the amount of dose taken the person.

Breath test:

You might have heard about it or most probably seen it as it is very commonly used by the police to check the sobriety of the driver. The device is called the breathalyzer which is known to be the easiest way to detect the concentration of alcohol in the human’s blood.

Blood test:

It is obviously the most common type of drug test that is done. The blood is taken from the person’s body through the syringe needle and is then later tested in the lab. It is the most accurate drug test if you wanna how the current level of the drug or substance in the body. Although urine testing works the best to know the use of the drug in the past few days.

These were a couple of drug tests that are being used more and more these days. In fact, many schools in America are testing their students to find out if the new generation is in safe hands or not.

Wondering which drug kit will help you out to pass drug test, theihcc has a list of detox products reviewed to provide a list of detox kits helpful in such cases.

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