Website hosting comes with a lot of confusion, especially for a newbie who doesn’t really know which plan to select, which hosting service provider to go for and many others. This is the reason there are a couple of mistakes that anyone can do while working on/with website hosting. Let’s see some common ones.
The price trap
Most of the website hosting sites provide free services without any cost. But the problem with some service providing sites is they don’t even provide some of the basic features that one needs to run a good website and to get those features, you would have to pay extra.
Going for an inexperienced reseller.
There are many resellers who might be good, where no one is saying not to choose the option of reseller but make sure the reseller is experienced enough to give you the best service and have knowledge about the server and the website features.
Have a look at the host’s website
It is obvious if the website of the host is not in the best condition, you too won’t be performing the best. If the host can not put some effort into making its website perform and look good then your website, by no chance is dominating the number of viewers.
Multiple websites through a single account
If you are operating more than one website then you might be thinking that if you operate all of those websites from one account then it would be an easy task. The billing and everything else would be easy. Of course, it will save some extra efforts but if your websites are generating the revenues, then it would be a bad choice to put all the websites under one account.
Missing out contact details
Most of the people are fine with the idea of contacting there hosting service providers through webchat or email and doesn’t have any telephone number which is useful if the service provider is not responding within a time period of the website of the host has gone down.
Trusting the web host’s backup.
Almost every web host provides the option of website back up which is very important. But ho can you fully trust the back option provided by a third party? The smart move here would be having your own backup option too.
Here were some of the most common mistakes one could do with website hosting. Since these were the mistakes done by many people, you should be aware of all this the next time you would want to deal with a web host. But our Greek web hosting company is the most trusted website hosting service provider with thousands of reviews which you can choose anytime for you hosting needs.