You'll want to be sure the wallpaper is the best one for the room in question before sifting through the zillions of wallpaper choices available—and certainly before falling in love with a design. (There's no point in spending money on a cheeky blowfish print just to find out that the space isn't perfect for papering.)
When it comes to the nature of the print, the most important factor can seem to be distinguishing love from love, but there are also the logistics of the room and the properties of the wallpaper to remember (the fun stuff!). Here are things to consider before making the leap.
The room's layout:- Papering would be impossible if your room is built like a conehead on the inside. But, according to Melissa Warner Rothblum and Julie Massucco Kleiner, the founding designers of Massucco Warner Miller, a Los Angeles and Seattle-based interior design company, it's more about the floor plan's openings than the form itself.
"There's just not enough space left for wallpaper to have the right effect" if a room has a lot of doors or walls, or a lot of big works of art that take up a lot of visual wall space, according to the couple. Is the wallpaper preparation agony worth it if you're just going to see a sliver or two of uncovered design? (Perhaps you'll say yes!)
The total area of the walls that would be enclosed:- Simply put, the more wall space exposed and the bigger the room, the more costly your project would be—both in terms of purchasing enough paper and keeping an installer on the clock to complete the job. If you want to spend the money on fancy sheets to wallpaper the little entryway instead of spending it on papering the living room? (For the record, we believe both options are viable.)
The desired pattern's scale:- Consider the template of the document until you've determined that it's worth your time and resources to cover the wall. If you have huge swaths of wall that you plan to leave exposed, a large-scale pattern can read even more clearly; if not, a small allover pattern (or paint!) might be a safer option. You can now look for the most wallpaper Singapore.
The room's smokiness factor:- Powder rooms have long been a common place to hang wallpaper. "They're normally more petite than other rooms in the building," Rothblum and Kleiner point out, "so... some clients feel better going bold and doing something that's a total showstopper."
They're much less humid and steamy than a complete bathroom or kitchen. True, some wallpapers (water-resistant paper, for example) can survive these conditions, but not every pattern would be available in a more durable version. Before relying on wallpaper in a full bath or kitchen, make sure you like the choices available.
There's a good chance that kids will hang out there:- Some papers are specifically designed for children (dark shades! vinyl wallpaper!); others simply seem to be (the wallpaper universe is brimming with kid-friendly patterns). Others, such as grass fabric, which is made of natural fabrics and can't be cleaned or wiped clean, or precious antique wallpapers, would be irreversibly damaged by a toddler wielding a crayon or marker.