
Vudu provides online video-on–demand streaming services that allow you to access movies and TV programs. Vudu, originally developed by Walmart, was sold to Fandango on February 2020. Vudu allows you to rent and stream movies and TV titles to a variety of devices, including smart TVs and home theatre components.

Vudu is available on the following devices

  • Smart TV: Select models of LG, Samsung, Sony, and Vizio
  • Media streamers boxes - Roku TV Box, Apple TV, Chromecast and Nvidia Shutter TV (also available on TIVO DV Recorder).
  • Xbox 360 and later, PlayStation 3 & later.
  • Mobile: Vudu App Android, iOS
  • Chrome, Firefox and many more web browsers available for PC.

Vudu requires no monthly subscription fees. Instead, you will pay for each movie and TV show you rent/purchase. Prices range from $ 0.99 - $ 5.99 for rentals and from $ 4.99 - $ 24.99 for purchases. VUDU's website offers regular special rental and purchase price information.

Vudu is a free service that allows you to rent or buy instantly. To get started, you will need an email address, password, and credit card information.

You can rent a movie to stream immediately or later. You must watch the movie within 30 business days after renting it. Play allows you to watch the movie up to 24 hours (depending on which video you choose) or downgrade it at any time.

There are three levels of video quality available: SD, HD, HDX, 1080p and UHD. It's obvious that larger files and audio require a faster Internet link to be of high quality. Your device can determine the connection speed to ensure the movie doesn’t stop streaming while it is being selected.

Vudu provides a way to lower the quality when streaming a movie. If you have a slow connection but want to see the movie at a higher quality level, rent it and choose the "Watch Later". Vudu offers additional viewing options beyond purchase and rental. If you run into any problems or maybe a Vudu unable to start playback error, you should be able to fix it easily.

Although Vudu is a pay-per-view-on-demand service, it also offers a selection of movies that you can watch for free, called Movies On Us. This category includes relatively recent movies that have not been in large rental or purchase demand.

Movies on Us videos can have commercials. But, if the commercials are annoying or you just want to watch the 4K version, then you can pay a rental/viewing fee via the provided on-screen message.


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